You've experienced bad mosquito evenings at Rice before. There was that one time last year during Powderpuff practice when the mosquito clouds at dusk were so thick that you counted no less than 25 bites by the time you were inside again. You experienced an occasional bite at one of the forced picnics. But unless your college's zombie apocalypse defense plan can easily be converted to defend against these bloodsucking monstrosities, there's no way you were prepared for this.
They descended upon us during parent's weekend. Beginning that evening as you sat on an outside patio at a lovely non-servery dinner, you began to notice there were more mosquitoes about than usual. Your parents offer to take you and friends to buy mosquito repellant this weekend. By the time you go to the Target on Main Street the next day, they are completely sold out. Same for the CVS in the Village. On the third or fourth try, you finally locate a few cans at a Walgreens you've never been inside before.
You spray the stuff all over your clothes, but still the mosquitos taunt you, getting inside your car and under your skin.
It's like Rice students are especially delicious. Our blood must be like the fine wine of the mosquito world.
You've considered more drastic solutions. How could one feasibly keep a pet bat? Bats are mosquito eating machines, and why don't we have more?! Then you realize that the mosquitoes have got you acting like a crazy person, and you resolve to just cover up every possible inch (itch) of skin until the cold front sets in on Thursday night.