to me. But that is beyond the point.
What matters is that y'all clearly need some finals therapy. Sitting around during breakfast (can we still call it breakfast? It makes me feel more productive, even though I technically woke up at noon), I hear stories of sleep deprivation and hours on end spent locked up in study rooms. Some of you are even nearing delusional.
I get you. I really do. Because it's 1:45am and instead of continuing my paper, I am digging through my .gif file on my computer (which is apparently not a normal thing to have? My suitemates laughed for about two hours after they found out I had such a thing). This is all gonna add up to delusion later. The problem is that I just can't bring myself to do anything "productive." I mean, sure, I've applied for summer jobs and internships, answered all my emails, and even did laundry, but when it comes time to actually sit down and write this essay, I just mope around the commons like:
I've only even started doing work in the commons because I feel like people will judge me if I just sit at my computer and goof off. This is a good thing. I need judging eyes to make me feel self-conscious enough to actually do work. This:
Tonight one of my favorite juniors asked if I wanted to go party/celebrate with some people and my first instinct was to be like:
Also, just remembering that somewhere beyond my little table in the corner of my college commons,
and soon I'll get to join in on it. Finals will be over soon enough (actually, perhaps too soon. I am really legitimately concerned about my ability to finish these papers in time). Then I, too, can join in on the post-finals festivities. That's right:
I'll be seeing you Wednesday night, Rice!